Friday, February 5, 2010


I am feeling pissed and let down. Why the hell is there so much bandobast for Rahul Gandhi? Don’t get me wrong..he is the best thing that could have happened to Indian Politics and he has killer dimples and looks. But the Centre and State machinery have been deployed; Rahul’s schedule changes because the powers are anxious about the Sena acting up. If this is the haal of the First Family what hope for regular manoos? Why is the Thackeray family not being arrested and tried for treason? Since when did they get the divine right to inherit Mumbai?? They have consistently gone against the Indian identity and focussed on the Marathi Manoos. They have not won the mandate from the Marathis either. They cause immense trauma to the very same people they purport to support. So, should Mumbai become their playground and when any Thackeray barks, this nation of the argumentative one billion and its politicians shut up? Charge them with terrorism and try them for treason. And make them pay for doing this to Mumbai every single time.
But maybe they are actually doing Congress a huge favour. These stupid acts will increase membership in the Congress drive in the City! I am going to register!

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